Saturday, April 28, 2007

Isn't Gore an Evil American?

Liblogs and the media are drooling over Gore's review of the Green Plan. He calls it a "fraud... designed to mislead the Canadian people." Trivia buffs will recognize the statement as quoted from a review for his film.

Memo to Gore; this is none of your business. Your country has done nothing on climate change. You were vice-president and did nothing on climate change. Now you're touring Canada, getting between $100-150K per lecture, trying to tell us how we're so bad environmentally?

To all Liberals - we have lots of Canadian environmental activists. David Suzuki, love him or hate him, has devoted his life to Canada's environmental concerns. Gore jumped on the bandwagon and is riding it to riches. Find a better idol.

Gore reminds me of Michael Moore; sleazy opportunist spouting propaganda. Who here read Moore's letter during the last election campaign? That was pure gold. I carried a copy with me, and everyone who saw instantly vowed to vote Conservative.


Anonymous said...

"Trivia buffs will recognize the statement as quoted from a review for his film."

Good one!

Tony said...

As long as it is an American that agrees with the lefties, it's ok, but as soon as he or she has an opposing view, sudenly he or she is "An Evil American".

Al Gore is a hypocrite. When he was the US Vice-president, he had the perfect opportunity to bring Kyoto to a vote in the US senate and he never even brought it to the floor.

US Democratic President Clinton pulled America out of the Kyoto accord when Gore was his VP. Given all of this, it is funny how the MSM treats everything that Al Gore says on Kyoto as gospel.

Greg said...

Let me be clear. As a lefty, I like Americans. I just hate Republicans. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be "you hate Americans, you just like Democrats"? By the way, republicans are actually Americans too.