Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May Clarifies: She Meant to Call Harper a Nazi

Elizabeth May is in a hole, and she's trying to dig her way out.

Her first statement was bad enough: Harper's actions on climate change are "a grievance worse than Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of the Nazis." I have to admit, while I am disgusted that use the Nazis as a tool to further her political agenda, I can at least understand the basis of this statement. She see global warming as a threat to the planet, and she thinks Harper is minimizing that threat in the vain hope that nothing will happening. May's words are disgusting and extremist, but not inexcusable.

But now she says we misunderstood; she was quoting George Manibot, author of Heat: How to Stop the Planning from Burning. She continues to add that Manibot says that Stephen Harper, George W. Bush and John Howard (the Australian PM) are the new "axis of evil."

Here, she goes too far. Experimentation of Jewish children, the gas chambers of Auschwitz, the Foibe Massacres and the Rape of Nanking; these are the deliberate acts of truly evil men. They are not just tools to be used for her political agenda.

Elizabeth May, you had a chance to explain or recant your first statement. You used it to further abuse some of the worst atrocities in the history of man. I wonder if you even realise why it's wrong.


I have a better link. May reminds us that she did not make the comment herself. She then repeats the comment on her website, also including the axis of evil comment. Then, like a true politician, she tries to pass blame onto Manibot.

This does not change my analysis. She's named the author, cited his credentials, then quoted his argument to support her own. She does not say she disagrees with him on any point, just that since he said it originally, she cannot be held accountable.

I invite readers to follow the link and make their own judgements.